324 Entertainment Wiki

(Lincoln is out in the Scary Woods)

Lincoln: Hello and welcome to in search of mysterious creatures. I'm Lincoln Loud

Marcus: And I'm Marcus

Lincoln: We're in search of mysterious miniature tree frog. A harmless little guy

Marcus: Miniature Tree Frog?! We're in the Scary Woods and we're looking for the Giant Scary Woods Owl!

Lincoln: Nobody told me? I wouldn't have agreed to that!

(Marcus facepalm)

Lincoln: I understand you're an expert on the Giant Scary Woods Owl

Marcus: Face it! I'm an expert on anything scary. I love fear

Lincoln: I'm sure you do.

Marcus: What are we waiting for? Let's go find that beast!

Lincoln: Is it true that the giant Scary Woods Owl only appears on a full moon

Marcus: Yes and so does werewolf. The Giant Scary Woods Owl can eat something for dinner. They like to eat children! Boy children! Just about your age! Age 11!

Lincoln: Marcus you may have noticed, I'm 11

Marcus: Shhh! I think I hear him

(It turned out to be the bats)

Lincoln: (Screaming)

Marcus: Those were just bats

Lincoln: Do I have to continue? Why can't he host the show?

(Marcus sniff)

Marcus: Wait! I smell something

Lincoln: Probably butterflies in my stomach.

Marcus: No! I think it's the owl

(But it was just squirrels)

Lincoln: Those are just squirrels. As you can see Marcus is fearless in his pursuit of the giant Scary Wood owl. And he's not the one who's my age

Marcus: HOOT! HOOT!

Lincoln: Oh well, I guess there's no owl here

Marcus: Wait! I hear him! HOOT! HOOT!

(There's the owl)

Lincoln: (Scream) MOMMY!

(The owl licked Lincoln)

Lincoln: UGH! Yuck! That's it! I quit! (as he storm off with a huff)

Marcus: There you have it. The Giant Scary Wood Owl. Wasn't it the scariest thing ever? (Laughs)
