324 Entertainment Wiki

This rating system is used for 312 Entertainment's productions.


  • 0 (Purple square): Intended for all children, usually on kids' programming and early learning stuff.
  • 7 (Blue circle): Intended for a general audience, but might need guidance for those under 7.
  • 9 (Gray oval): Like 7, but contains minor action violence but no serious injury that might scare those under 9.
  • 12 (Green diamond): Parental guidance suggested for people under 12 who want to watch this.
  • 13 (Teal arrow): Parents more strongly cautioned because some material might not be suitable for under teens.
  • 15 (Yellow triangle): May contain material not suitable for people under 15. May only broadcast on TV between 19:00-06:00.
  • 18 (Red octagon/stop sign): Adults only. 312 Entertainment does its best to keep its shorts from getting this rating. May only broadcast on TV between 00:00-06:00.


Games use the same rating system, except 12 is changed to 10 and all the icons for it are squares.
